Welcome to my brain
Well, I have finally completed my personal website.
What? You took one and a half years to ship this pathetic piece of… blog?
Despite being an avid reader on Medium and coming across mantras like “Ship fast, ship early” and “Ship it anyway”, my mental agreement with these notions never translated into action. While I could blame it on the perfectionist in me, the fear of being judged and criticized probably weighed down on me as well.
On top of that, for the longest time, I could not decide between using a SSG (Static Site Generator) or a blogging CMS. Jekyll; Assembly; Middleman; Ghost and WordPress – I tried them all. There are still a couple of folders lying around, ready to rock and roll right away with Jekyll build or Middleman build. Yes, they were fun. The prospect of having a secure site on a cheap server capable of surviving the front page of Reddit was attractive. Oh, and street cred for blogging like a hacker? Mmmm…
But who am I kidding? Nobody is going to give a single hoot about whether this site runs on Nginx or Apache, and this site will never get onto Slashdot. In the end, I settled on WordPress. Inspired by Guy Kawasaki’s “Don’t Worry Be Crappy” principle, I gave myself 2 weeks to churn out a blog and start writing.